Episode 93: Corey Gerulis
Welcome back! This week we have on the awesome Corey Gerulis. Corey is a corporate pilot by profession and currently competes in a 330SC in intermediate. Corey is kicking ass and is super passionate about flying aerobatics. We talk about how he got his start, the interesting story on his 300L and its previous owner, his new 330SC and so much more. We hope you enjoy this one, it was super fun!
Thank you to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast! Use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout when you place an order and you will receive 25% off your order!
Buy some shirts! Head over to www.flycoolshit.com/merch
Episode 92: Adam Messenheimer
Welcome back!!!!!! We missed you guys last week. We are back and we have a real awesome guy on the podcast. Adam flies the MXS and MX2 and is vying for a spot on the U.S. Advanced Team this year. We talk about everything! We get into how Adam started flying the Pitts S2C, how he and Rob Holland linked up, and the awesome relationship they have with Rob as a mentor and coach. Mark also shares his craziest private jet story. This was a really fun and awesome podcast, we hope you guys enjoy!
IAC elections are going on right now. Head over to https://www.iac.org/2022-board-election to cast your votes!
Thank you to LIFT Aviation! Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off.
Episode 91: Rob Dumovic
Welcome back! This week we sit down with Rob Dumovic and have an absolute blast! There was a bit of an audio lag so don’t be too hard on us. Rob owns Spread Aviation, was an instructor at Executive Flyers, ferries Mike Goulian’s Extra 330SC, flies competition aerobatics, eyeing the US Advanced Team, is a test pilot for a cool flying car start-up, and is going to be a pilot in the new Jet F1 Cup series starting up soon. Oh did we mention he is also a DPE!? Rob never stops working and progressing. We talk about how he got his start, and what he is currently working on. Rob is a really passionate guy and clearly loves aviation and aerobatics. This was a really fun podcast and so good to finally sit down and chat with Rob.
Make sure you follow his journey to compete for a spot on the US Advanced Team at Nationals this year. He posts an episode weekly at: https://www.youtube.com/c/SpreadAviation. Make sure you like and subscribe to his channel!
For more information on Jet F1 Cup, head to https://www.jet1cup.com
Thank you to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast! Head to www.liftaviationusa.com and when you place an order, use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off.
Episode 90: Eat Cool Shit?
Welcome back! This week Mark and Jeff catch up and talk about what was probably the best episode with Rob Holland so far. Jeff tried his technique for ratcheting the harness down and you can hear his thoughts when you listen to the episode. We talk about a couple of contests that occurred including Intermediate Worlds which spawns a bunch of different topics of discussion. Then we somehow started talking about food which lasted way too long haha! Finally, we wrapped up talking about how Jeff is a terrorist because he hasn’t seen Top Gun Maverick yet.
Thank you to LIFT Aviation! Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off
Thank you for your support! Please help support the podcast by going to www.flycoolshit.com/merch and buying some shirts.
Episode 89: Rob Holland
Welcome back! Also welcome back to Rob Holland! Rob took some time from his insanely busy schedule to chat with us since it had been a while. We get into almost everything! We talk about the nuances of the 2022 Sportsman Known, getting coaching and critiquing, and random contest stuff. Rob gives us an update on WAC with regard to insurance coverage for their airplanes as the deadline to get airplanes overseas is coming soon. We also talk about all kinds of airshow goodness including the maneuver breakdowns that Rob has been doing. We really appreciate Rob for coming on, and for everything he is doing!
Please please please go support Rob by attending his airshows, and supporting his sponsors. Also, buy some RH shirts! Head to www.ultimateairshows.com for more information and to support Rob.
The U.S. Unlimited Team needs your support. Head over to https://www.iac.org/unlimited-team-2022 to donate and support the team!
If you haven’t already, sign up to be an IAC member! Click the link here: https://www.iac.org/roll-with-us-join-or-renew
Thank you so much to LIFT Aviation for supporting aerobatics, and supporting aviation!! Please head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT for 25% off most items.
Episode 88: Mark Sorta Went To A Contest
Welcome back! This week we talk about Jeff’s diet, hanging out with the Don, and his progress flying unlimited. We talk about the unfortunate death of Mark Sampson of the Marksmen Aerobatic Team and doing complex maneuvers too low without an out. We also talk about the IAC chapter 38 Open West Championships in Tracy CA. This is the only contest in the Northern CA Bay Area. Mark finally goes to a contest to hang out and sees what it is all about. This was a fun episode!
Thanks to LIFT Aviation for being such a huge supporter of aviation, aerobatics, and this podcast! Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off your order.
Episode 87: Pillow Talk
Welcome back! This week we chat about a bunch of random stuff. There are some contests coming up that we cover, we talk about Jeff easing into unlimited more and more, the fact that he is going to hang out with the Don while he is in town performing for Jones Beach Airshow, and so much more! This was a pretty random episode just catching up and shooting the shit.
Thanks to LIFT Aviation! Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off your order
Buy some shirts! Head to www.flycoolshit.com/merch
Episode 86: Pawel Miko
Welcome back! This week, Mike joins the podcast to talk about Yak 52 Intermediate Championships coming up in Poland. We learn all kinds of Yak 52 facts, the logistics of putting a team together, and getting airplanes from Lithuania to Poland to use in the contest. It was such a fun episode!
To donate to the team, check out: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=E4NRG8E77BRJY&fbclid=IwAR3-FM-AcC33hZvoH1RAMcvBt5RLxpMEUHpjAgJ-abb7luf8wLvu9tdJ6FE
Buy some shirts! www.flycoolshit.com/merch
Thank you to LIFT Aviation! Check out www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout!
Episode 85: Wallyworld
What up!? This week we talk a bunch about Extra versus Gamebird again (we keep doing that lol) after Joe McMurray teases us all with his fantasy trip to Gamebird HG in Bentonville Arkansas. It looks like he had so much fun. We talk about composite monoplanes and life limits, sales tactics and wowing, etc. and so much more. Jeff finally gets a helmet, and Mark gets another helmet! Mark also gets a new Summit Parachute which kicks so much ass!
Thank you to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast. Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off most items.
Buy shirts! www.flycoolshit.com/merch
Episode 84: Don’t be WAC
Welcome back! Jeff is fresh off a birthday vacation and we catch up about what has been going on in the aerobatic world. We dive into the last unlimited team camp in Union City TN that concluded earlier this week. We also talk about the plans for the unlimited team and the issues of getting aircraft over to Poland from the U.S. and underwriters unwilling to insure airplanes. Sneak peeks into the flying our unlimited team is doing right now, is pure fire. Let’s hope they can pull off a successful showing! We also talk a bit about Nationals and some ideas on what FCS can contribute! We get into a host of other random topics, we hope you enjoy!
Thank you to LIFT Aviation for your support! Please go support them by heading to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout!
Buy some stickers! A 5-pack of stickers is 10 bucks shipped. Send 10 dollars to @inverted on Venmo and include your address.
Episode 83: Hammerhead Roundup Wrap-up
Welcome back! This week poor Petro is on a lavish vacation to parts unknown while Mark slaves away back in the studio. We have Bryan Jones, Alex Huey, and Eric Moore back on the podcast together to talk about Borrego! This was really fun and it actually worked well having 4 people trying to talk lol. Bryan breaks the contest down from a contest director’s standpoint, with Alex and Eric giving competitor perspectives in intermediate and advanced. This was Eric’s first contest in advanced, and Alex’s last contest in intermediate, and they both crushed it with first place overall finishes in their respective categories. This contest continues to raise the bar and set the example of how contests should be conducted. A special shout out to Miko for the live updates and commentary during the contest.
Congrats to all the competitors and volunteers that made the 2022 Hammerhead Roundup a huge success!!
Thanks to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast and aerobatics! Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off most items.
If you want a LIFT AV1-KOR helmet, use the discount program through the IAC! Check out the link below:
Episode 82: Chris Olmsted
Welcome back! We thought we were going to have AJ Wilder on as well but he got called away last minute. We were plagued with internet and audio issues so please forgive us! Thanks so much to Chris for coming on. Chris is an aerobatic competitor, coach, instructor, and co-founder of the Figure 1 Foundation. We talk about all kinds of different stuff. Chris’s flying career, how he got his start, and what he does now. We also talk about how awesome Santa Paula is, Sammy Mason’s wedding coming up, and so much more!
To go fly with Chris, head over to www.olmstedaviation.com and check out the various services he offers.
Also please head to www.figure1foundation.com to donate and find out more about the program.
Thanks to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast. Check out www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off most items.
Episode 81: Capt. Haden “Gator” Fullam
Welcome back, everyone! This week we have a really fun episode for you all. U.S. Air Force Capt. Haden Fullam joins the podcast. Gator is your 2021-2022 A-10 Thunderbolt II demonstration team pilot so if you have seen the A-10 demo at airshows across the country, it has been Gator doing the yanking and banking. We talk about all kinds of amazing stuff. He geeks us out on the A-10 and its incredible firepower. We of course talk about the gun a bunch! He fills us in on what it’s like for a combat-ready aviator to switch gears and fly airshows and to step into that world, what his airshow routine is like, and how the A-10 flies. Gator also tells us where he got the callsign Gator! We absolutely hope he comes back on the podcast because we could talk to him all day long!
Thank you so much to Capt. Fullam for coming on the podcast and sharing your story! Please give him a follow on Instagram @gatora10. Also, a huge thank you to the men and women on the A-10 demonstration team who support the huge effort it takes to bring this incredible demonstration to airshows all over the country! Give them a follow as well @a10demoteam.
Thank you to all the men and women serving in our armed forces. The U.S. Air Force is the best there is, and those who serve are highly trained to protect and serve our country. To learn more about the Air Force and to see if making a career in the Air Force is right for you, check out www.af.mil.
Thank you to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast! Head over to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off most items.
Buy some shirts! www.flycoolshit.com/merch
Episode 80: Joe McMurray
Welcome back! This week we have Joe McMurray on the podcast. Joe is a Doctor from he California Bay Area who is an absolute aerobatic nut who currently flies a Super Decathlon. We talk about Joe’s other airplanes which are a Bonanza and an amphib Carbon Cub. This was such a fun podcast! Lots of laughs and jokes but we also talk about what drives Joe, how he got into aerobatics and where he wants to go from here!
Thank you to LIFT Aviation! Head to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout fr 25% off your order!
Buy some shirts! Head over too www.flycoolshit.com/merch
Episode 79: Glover Boy
Welcome back! This week we catch up with things going on. Mark’s Extra is finishing up annual, and Jeff is doing Weight Watchers :p. We talk about all kinds of stuff. Maintenance, crashes, failure modes, Sukhoi’s, biplanes, and so much more!
Thanks to LIFT Aviation! Head to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT and get 25% off most items on the website!
Please buy shirts! Head to www.flycoolshit.com/merch.
Episode 78: Alex Huey & Eric Moore
Welcome back! This week we have two Laser flying bad asses on the podcast. Alex and Eric are both competition aerobatic pilots from Arizona, and are both absolutely crushing it. It was super fun to have them on and chat as both Jeff and Mark are big fans. These guys both push each other to be better with each flight. We talk about all kinds of random awesomeness! They both own Lasers but are two very different builds. We learn their backgrounds and how they got bit by the aerobatic bug, we talk about their challenges to become better aerobatic pilots, and so much more!
Thanks to LIFT Aviation for the support! Go to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off your order.
Episode 77: Drinks With Heroes?
Hey everyone, we are back this week after chatting together for a few weeks which felt so good. Basically just shooting the shit about random stuff. We talk about what it would be like to fly or have drinks with Goulian and Holland, we talk about Extra NG prices again, and much more.
Thank you to LIFT Aviation for supporting the podcast. Use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off your order!
This episode is dedicated to the life of Marianne Fox
Episode 76: Skip Stewart Part 2
Welcome back to part two of our interview with Skip Stewart! Skip is one of the most incredible airshow pilots on the circuit. We talk about all kinds of awesome stuff. We talk about P1, P2, P3, his start in airshows, inspirations and so much more! head on over to www.skipstewartairshows.com to learn more about Skip. Also, thanks to his sponsors listed on his website. Pay them some love and support Skip!
Thank you to www.liftaviationusa.com! Head on over there and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off.
Head over to www.flycoolshit.com/merch for some shirts!
Episode 75: Skip Stewart Part 1
Welcome back! This week is a fun one! We have the incredible Skip Stewart on. Skip is one of the most incredible airshow pilots on the circuit. We talk about all kinds of awesome stuff. We talk about P1, P2, P3, his start in airshows, inspirations and so much more! head on over to www.skipstewartairshows.com to learn more about Skip. Also, thanks to his sponsors listed on his website. Pay them some love and support Skip!
Thank you to www.liftaviationusa.com! Head on over there and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off.
Head over to www.flycoolshit.com/merch for some shirts!
Episode 74: It’s Not Friday…
Hey all! Sorry about not dropping a podcast on Friday, both Jeff and I were caught up doing awesome stuff. This week we recap glider Nationals, the episode with Wayne Handley, power Nationals coming up later this year, and so much more! We also talk a fun hypothetical of having 350k to spend on a used aerobatic airplane, and what we would pick!
Thanks to LIFT Aviation! Head to www.liftaviationusa.com and use the promo code FLYCOOLSHIT at checkout for 25% off most items!
Also head to www.flycoolshit.com/merch to buy shirts!